Non-resident UK landlords compliance

Overseas Landlord
Assurance Services


We were approached by a non-resident UK landlord with a portfolio of investment properties being rented out in the UK. Client initially thought that since he is a non-UK resident he has no obligations to tax in the UK.

Issues highlighted by HMR Accountancy

After reviewing HMRC correspondence, we found that client has received late filing penalties from HMRC and not maximizing his tax-deductible expenses and other tax allowances he is entitled to.

Outcome after HMR’s advise and action

We have advised our client on his tax filing obligations for UK generated income and handled these on his behalf. In addition, we have appealed the late filing penalties successfully and helped minimize client taxes payable to HMRC. It is worth noting that we have a 100% appeal success rates with HMRC to date.

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020 3355 4914
07818 000 666

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